wecamp Cudillero
Spain / Asturias
14,400+ campsites
all around Europe196,700+ reviews
from real campers15 million users
on the PiNCAMP sites5.800+ campsites
with trusted ADAC classificationNumber of campsites | 16 |
Campsite reviews | 26 |
Ø-ratings | 4.2 |
Spain's green coastal landscape stretches along the sea shores of Asturias and Cantabria. Camping on the Costa Verde is ideal for all those who want to get to know the wild side of the country. As the crow flies, there are just 27 kilometres between the Atlantic beach and the 2,648-metre-high Torre de Cerredo, the highest peak in the Picos de Europa. So the decision has to be made anew every day: Mountains or sea. Or simply both.
Depending on whether you want to see the vastness of the rough Atlantic Ocean or the intoxicating mountains of the Picos de Europa when you open the campervan door, you can choose a campsite on the Costa Verde.
The campsites on the Costa Verde are lined up like a string of pearls directly on the Bay of Biscay. Sometimes on the beach, sometimes like an eagle's nest on the cliffs. In the mountains, holidaymakers will find secluded spots in green basins.
The Costa Verde also impresses with panoramic coastal hiking trails and excellent surfing centres. The Picos de Europa offer a phenomenal backdrop for leisurely or ambitious hikes, kayaking and canyoning, mountain biking or climbing.
With the Atlantic Ocean behind it and the Picos de Europa in front of you, it can often get wet on the Costa Verde. In combination with the mild northern Spanish climate, the green jewel on the coast thrives.
The main rainy seasons are winter and spring, with the lowest rainfall from June to August. However, when it rains on the coast, it is often sunny in the mountains. Moderate temperature fluctuations and rarely more than 30 degrees Celsius, even in midsummer, provide the best conditions for hiking, climbing or mountain biking.
Although brave souls sometimes jump into the water in early summer, the actual swimming season doesn't start until July. Then the Atlantic is quite refreshing at around 23 degrees Celsius.