Camping Los Batanes
Spain / Castille-La Mancha
14,400+ campsites
all around Europe196,700+ reviews
from real campers15 million users
on the PiNCAMP sites5.800+ campsites
with trusted ADAC classificationNumber of campsites | 10 |
Campsite reviews | 14 |
Ø-ratings | 2.5 |
Red-hot sunsets, golden fields, white windmills and green forests with blue foaming waterfalls - this blaze of colour welcomes campers in the heart of Spain, more precisely in the Castilla-La Mancha region. The region is sparsely populated and impresses with its pure nature experiences, as well as the capital Toledo. Camping with children is very popular, as the small campsites often have a pool or swimming facilities in a nearby lagoon.
A shady pitch in a vine-covered arbour, deer grazing in front of the caravan and small streams running through the grounds - camping in Castilla-La Mancha is a paradise. In many places, the natural beauty of the surroundings also characterises the campsites: For example, caravans and motorhomes are parked along avenues of pine trees or in the shade of deciduous trees.
The reception and restaurant are often located in typical local stone houses, which are warmly lit by candles and light bulbs in the evening. Thanks to this romantic atmosphere, the campsites in Castile-La Mancha resemble places of well-being and are therefore the perfect retreats for couples, families and Castile fans who appreciate peace and natural beauty.
Due to the warm weather, many campsites in Castilla-La Mancha are open all year round or at least until the end of December. The season starts early in the year, with flowers blooming from the beginning of March and temperatures of around 20 degrees Celsius. July is the hottest month with an average temperature of 36 degrees Celsius.
In addition to the steppe and Mediterranean climate that characterises many areas of the region in the heart of Spain, the mountain ranges also have a continental climate with cold winters. The campsites at high altitudes therefore take a winter break. The recommended time to go camping in Castilla-La Mancha is from April to October, as it is warm and largely rain-free during this time.